Rüdesheim am Rhein is located in the Rhine-Main metropolitan region and is easily accessible by all means of transportation
You have the following options for traveling to Rüdesheim
When using a navigation system, please make sure you enter the zip code
65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein
You can get to Rüdesheim and Assmannshausen am Rhein every half hour or hour from Frankfurt, Wiesbaden or Koblenz on the RheingauLinie. Take the RheingauLinie (RB10) to Neuwied and the RheingauExpress (RE9) to Eltville.
You can plan your journey here:
There are two car ferries between Rüdesheim and Bingen. You can find the current timetable here. The crossing takes just six minutes, making it the shortest, most environmentally friendly and time-saving way across the Rhine.
The ferry crossing is certainly the most beautiful way to cross the Rhine: with a view of the river, of Germania, which has towered over Rüdesheim since 1883, or of the legendary Bingen Mouse Tower in the Rhine.
You can reach Assmannshausen from the water as a stop on one of the Rhine boat trips. Here you can find the offers
Rüdesheim am Rhein is around 60 km from Frankfurt Rhine/Main Airport. Take the A3 freeway to the Wiesbadener Kreuz junction and then the A66 in the direction of Rüdesheim am Rhein. Or take the train from the airport mainline station to Wiesbaden and from there take the Rheingau Line to the Rheingau.
Direct ICE connections to the stations in Frankfurt, Wiesbaden or Mainz and Koblenz on the left bank of the Rhine. There are also trains on the S-Bahn lines S1, S8 and S9 several times an hour.